The users are informed that the acupuncture services at this practice are provided by a non-medical acupuncturist, and are not a subsitute to a medical treatment.

My name is Olga Fedina
I am a fully qualified acupuncturist and Shiatsu massage therapist practising in the city of Valencia, Spain. I have completed training programmes of three years each at the London College of Traditional Acupuncture and the British School of Shiatsu-Do. As part of my qualification, I have undergone rigorous training in anatomy, physiology and pathology, as well as Chinese medical theory.
Acupuncture and Shiatsu can benefit many people. They work by activating the ability of the body to get back into a balanced state, facilitating the ability of the body to heal itself.
Acupuncture can also help a couple to get pregnant. I have had a lot of experience with couples who achieved pregnancy either naturally or through assisted reproduction techniques. For eight years I collaborated with the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad (IVI), offering acupuncture services there.
Shiatsu has the same theoretic basis as acupuncture in that it uses the same points and meridians. However, in Shiatsu hands and fingers are used instead of needles, and it includes techniques aimed at relaxing the muscles, stretches and gentle mobilization of the joints.
I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and the Asociación de Acupuntores de España, as well as Asociación de Profesionales de Shiatsu de España. I complement my acupuncture and Shiatsu sessions with nutritional advice, having gained a diploma in Nutritional Therapy at the University of West London.
I speak English, Spanish and Russian, and provide consultations in those three languages. To make an appointment, or if you are not sure if acupuncture and Shiatsu can help you, please WhatsApp or ring me on +34 609429678 or email me at [email protected].
My name is Olga Fedina
I am a fully qualified acupuncturist and Shiatsu massage therapist practising in the city of Valencia, Spain. I have completed training programmes of three years each at the London College of Traditional Acupuncture and the British School of Shiatsu-Do. As part of my qualification, I have undergone rigorous training in anatomy, physiology and pathology, as well as Chinese medical theory.
Acupuncture and Shiatsu can benefit many people. They work by activating the ability of the body to get back into a balanced state, facilitating the ability of the body to heal itself.
Acupuncture can also help a couple to get pregnant. I have had a lot of experience with couples who achieved pregnancy either naturally or through assisted reproduction techniques. For eight years I collaborated with the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad (IVI), offering acupuncture services there.
Shiatsu has the same theoretic basis as acupuncture in that it uses the same points and meridians. However, in Shiatsu hands and fingers are used instead of needles, and it includes techniques aimed at relaxing the muscles, stretches and gentle mobilization of the joints.
I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and the Asociación de Acupuntores de España, as well as Asociación de Profesionales de Shiatsu de España. I complement my acupuncture and Shiatsu sessions with nutritional advice, having gained a diploma in Nutritional Therapy at the University of West London.
I speak English, Spanish and Russian, and provide consultations in those three languages. To make an appointment, or if you are not sure if acupuncture and Shiatsu can help you, please WhatsApp or ring me on +34 609429678 or email me at [email protected].
TAICHI AND qigong classes

Qigong (pronounced and sometimes written Chi Kung) consists in techniques that have been used in China for many centuries to mantain and improve health and flexibility, strengthen the body, mobilize the joints, calm the mind and regulate breathing.
Qigong in Chinese is written 氣功 . The first characer (“qi” – pronounced “chi”) represents steam over a grain of rice. The “qi” is a fundamental concept of Chinese philosophy, it is considered the foundation of vitality, the breath of life, that can be translated as "vital energy". The second, “gong”, means practice, or exercise. Qigong exercises are practised to accumulate, revitalise and circulate our vital energy, our qi. (More about Qigong)
I am a Qigong teacher trained at the Escuela Tantien in Valencia with Felix Castellanos. I have been attending classes and workshops for years as well as collaborating with the school and its splendid team.
To find out more about Qigong classes online please get in touch at +34 609429678
Qigong in Chinese is written 氣功 . The first characer (“qi” – pronounced “chi”) represents steam over a grain of rice. The “qi” is a fundamental concept of Chinese philosophy, it is considered the foundation of vitality, the breath of life, that can be translated as "vital energy". The second, “gong”, means practice, or exercise. Qigong exercises are practised to accumulate, revitalise and circulate our vital energy, our qi. (More about Qigong)
I am a Qigong teacher trained at the Escuela Tantien in Valencia with Felix Castellanos. I have been attending classes and workshops for years as well as collaborating with the school and its splendid team.
To find out more about Qigong classes online please get in touch at +34 609429678
Photos: Flaco García Poveda, Anna Castellanos